Free childhood vaccine clinics to visit Aberdeen

Kids can get school-required vaccines at Swanson’s July 28 and Sunday Market Aug. 13

An upcoming free childhood immunization clinic in Aberdeen is a chance to get kids school-required vaccines before they return to the classroom in the fall.

The clinic is provided by Birdseye Medical and supported by the Washington State Department of Health’s Care-A-Van. On Aug. 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. they’ll set up shop at the Aberdeen Sunday Market, 105 W Heron St.

Children ages 3-18 are eligible to receive vaccines, including those for COVID-19, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, mumps and rubella, HPV and chicken pox, among others.

The same agencies also held a vaccine clinic July 28 at the south Aberdeen Swanson’s grocery store. The clinics are part of a project called Power in Partnerships, a collaboration between Grays Harbor County Public Health and the Washington Chapter of the Academy of Pediatrics aiming to provide services in counties with decreased access to childhood vaccines.

“We believe promotion and support by all providers and partners in the community will significantly improve uptake and buy-in from families for childhood vaccinations,” said John Bausher, Health Officer for Grays Harbor County Public Health.