President signs $10.2B 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund into law

It took nearly 18 years, but anyone sickened or dying from the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, finally will have the backing of the federal government after President Donald Trump signed the bill Monday to make 9/11 aid essentially permanent.

Trump signed the “Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act” in a sun-soaked Rose Garden, surrounded by dozens of 9/11 responders, union officials and lawmakers who toiled for years to win passage of the legislation.

“They answered terror with the emotional strength of true warriors,” Trump said. “Our nation owes you a profound debt that no nation can ever pay, but we will keep our promise to you.”

The law will ensure that survivors of the attacks and responders who rushed to aid them at the Pentagon, Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and the area around Ground Zero can get compensation for their pain, suffering and lost years of work until 2092.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated the law will cost about $10.2 billion for its first 10 years, but that estimate is highly uncertain, and is likely to fall short as more people get cancer and new, slower moving illnesses emerge linked to the fumes and poisons released by the collapse of the twin towers emerge.

Two senators objected to costs, but the law that passed the Congress is open-ended and designed to cover anything that could prove to be a problem once doctors and scientists understand the need.

The law covers the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, which had been running out of money, and would have expired in 2020. The extension essentially matches the life of the compensation fund to the length of the separate 9/11 health program, which was made permanent in 2015.

Hundreds of people who already saw their payouts cut by more than half will have their compensation restored.

The law is named after three men who not only answered the call of 9/11, but died from illnesses after their exposure to Ground Zero’s dust and toxins.

NYPD Det. James Zadroga was the first to have his death in 2006 formally linked to his time at the disaster site. Former FDNY Firefighter Ray Pfeifer and NYPD Det. Lou Alvarez both died of cancer after spending some of their last days lobbying Congress for 9/11 legislation. Pfeifer battled for a bill in 2015 amid cancer treatments. Alvarez’s dramatic, heartbreaking testimony in June came just before he was admitted to hospice care.

Among those in attendance were family members of the three men whose names are on the bill, including Pfeifer’s widow, Caryn, Zadroga’s father, Joe, and Alvarez’s brother, Phil, Alvarez’s widow and two of his sons, Ben and Tyler.