Master Gardener events set for October

The Washington State University Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties have scheduled two events in early October.

The Washington State University Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties have scheduled two events in early October.

On Oct. 6, the second season of its First Saturday how-to workshops will debut with “Fall into Gardening,” which will focus on preparations for winter gardening.

It will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the WSU Extension Office meeting room, located on the Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds in Elma.

Topics of discussion will include when to expect the first winter frost; seed saving; devices that can help extend the growing season; and what to plant that will thrive during the colder months.

A plant clinic will follow the workshop. Bring your gardening questions or bring examples of problems you are experiencing in your garden, and WSU Master Gardeners will be on hand to offer solutions.

Other upcoming First Saturday workshops (same time and place) are “Pruning, Planting and Pests,” Nov. 3; and “Holiday Gardening,” Dec. 1.

For questions about the First Saturday workshops, email Katie Lutz at

On Oct. 11, the group will host “An Autumn Morning in the Garden,” where visitors are invited to gather seeds from the numerous flowers and vegetables growing in their Demonstration Garden.

The garden, which also is located at the fairgrounds in Elma, will be open from 9 a.m. to noon for this event, rain or shine. There is no charge, and no need to preregister.

For more information about the Master Gardener program or the Demonstration Garden, visit