Gather your junk: It’s time to tidy up for spring

Nailing It Down

By Dave Murnen And Pat Beaty

Ahh, spring — the time of year you feel the warmer weather, see the blossoming flowers and hear (and try to heed) the loud call of spring chores.

Use that spring in your step to tackle the tidying-up that most of us need in and around our homes, garages and yards this time of year.

For many Harborites, a chance for a free day to dump junk at the LeMay Transfer Station makes addressing the excess-stuff issue a no-brainer.

We’re happy to pass along that once again many of the area’s municipalities are sponsoring free Spring Cleanup days at the LeMay Transfer Station, or bringing the containers to your town.

Each has a little different arrangement, so make sure to read about your area and call your City Hall if you have additional questions.

Sorry to the folks living outside city limits; it’s been a few years now since Grays Harbor County has sponsored a cleanup for those living in the county. Budgets are tight!

However, while there is no paid-for cleanup day, we suggest using the spring energy and weather to give your place a once-over and gather up your usable — but no longer needed — stuff to sell or donate.

Then take the actual junk to the LeMay Transfer Station at 4201 Olympic Highway in Aberdeen for the minimum charge of $10.87 for up to 200 pounds. If you have a lot of stuff to deal with, it’s only $108.62 a ton, with a sliding scale in between. (Those figures include tax.)

As far as home improvement and curb appeal, not to mention a sense of peace and pride, $10.87 — or more if you have heavy stuff — is a great investment. We’re certain your neighbors will agree!


LeMay Transfer Station is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. It’s closed on Sundays and some holidays.

The Hazardous Waste Site, which is free to use, is open on the first Wednesday and Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The E-cycle area is also free to use. This is where you can take your computer monitors, screens, towers, televisions, etc. It is available at all times for dropoff; but if you require assistance, come on Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Recyclables are also free to dispose of at the LeMay Transfer Station. Items accepted include glass bottles (no plate glass windows, etc.), tin, aluminum (no scrap metal or paint cans), flattened cardboard, milk jugs, newspapers and mixed paper.


For Aberdonians, the month of April is yours for a free dump day. The City of Aberdeen will be issuing vouchers for those who live within city limits.

If you are an Aberdeen resident, you should be receiving a postcard soon. This voucher — accompanied by a driver’s license or other form of identification — is your ticket to a trip to the LeMay Transfer Station any day the transfer site is open from April 1 to 30.


Your Spring Cleanup days aren’t until June 5-8. Vouchers will be available at the Hometown Sanitation office in Hoquiam beginning May 28. Take that voucher with your license to the LeMay Transfer Station during those June days for a free trip to the dump.


Mark Saturday, April 20, on your calendar. Cosmopolis City Hall will be issuing vouchers for that day; check with them for details.


Vouchers will be available at City Hall for you to pick up. You may use that voucher anytime the Transfer Station is open during the month of May; just take it with your license to the transfer station.


For Ocean Shores residents, drop boxes will be placed in your community April 23-25.


Those living in McCleary should mark April 27 as their red-star day. That’s when drop boxes will be placed at key locations around town.


We’ll have more information next week about what you can and can’t dump at the transfer station.

The folks at the LeMay Transfer Station, including Tracy Elders, the office lead, say they welcome your questions. They can be reached at 360-533-1251. Another great resource to answer questions is the company’s new website,

Remember, you can also check with your City Hall about your area’s specific regulations or other details.

Dave Murnen and Pat Beaty are construction specialists at NeighborWorks of Grays Harbor County, where Murnen is executive director. This is a nonprofit organization committed to creating safe and affordable housing for all residents of Grays Harbor County. For questions about home repair, renting, remodeling or buying, call 360-533-7828 or visit 710 E. Market St. in Aberdeen. Our office is fully ADA-compliant.