

All of the articles and opinion columns in your paper strongly favor the left, and articles such as the one on the front page of the Jan. 7, edition screaming that “Trump Mob Storms U.S. Capitol” speak loudly of a lack of investigative journalism that is also sadly lacking in most newspapers today. There is no search for the truth. A small amount of searching would show that ANTIFA did the damage and “stormed” the capitol. Some of the patriots followed them in, but they were not the ones doing the damage.

This is only one article, but there have been so many more. People who are tasked with guiding Americans that are trying to find out the truth about what is going on in our country and our neighborhoods need to “re-learn” how to do investigative journalism, and those editors who approve or disapprove articles for publication need to put their own biases aside and open their minds. There is more than one side to a story and “freedom of the press” does not mean that there is no obligation to investigate and report on both sides; we are not a socialist country – yet.

Our world is in trouble, and the obvious (and, yes, provable) voter fraud and blatantly leftist viewpoints almost exclusively being the only opinions available to us through publications such as this regarding our world cannot be ignored. The American people deserve the truth, and this isn’t it. Also, Joe Biden is a criminal (also provable) and there is no way he is going to be able to fix these problems even if he somehow does illegally take office. He can’t string three words together, and everyone knows it.

Sonja Moss

Ocean Shores

Our elders told us

The pandemic has pretty much put the whole world at a standstill with many dying and suffering because of it.

My Elder and Leader of the past, who was my mentor, prophesied this back in the ‘70s where he told me that “one day to come an illness will infect many lives and put the world in a panic.” This is all he told me.

It has been well-known that Native American Elders, spiritual leaders or holy men of the tribe have prophesized many events that have come to pass as many tribes across the United States have stories of such.

Many Elders of the past have stated that mankind is slowly killing Mother Earth and all she has provided for us to survive: the air, water, oceans and lands, are being polluted. Even many of the foods we rely on are being polluted.

All this because of the mighty and powerful. Now we are on a verge of another “civil war.” American against American again because of the outcome of the elections for president.

Like they say, “a team apart defeats itself” and that’s about all I have to say about that.

Thank you and God bless.

Johnny Bastian

Quinault Tribal Elder
