New direction for O.R. Nevitt Pool


Greetings rec-swimmers, swim teamers, aerobics exercisers and pool partiers!

The Dr. O.R. Nevitt Memorial Pool in Raymond provided fun and safe water activities this summer, serving Pacific County residents of all ages. Water safety and life-saving swimming skills are the pool’s number-one priority. Because of swim lessons offered by the pool, more local children are swimming safely. Moreover, the pool employed 10 hardworking young people, enriching our local economy. All of this was made possible because of a massive grassroots fundraisinig effort that took place months before opening day. During the summer, local volunteers donated their time and expertise to help repair and maintain pool equipment. The pool survives because of such wonderful community support.

Having come to the end of a successful swim season, and with a cushion of funds to start the next season in 2018, the officers of the Pool Board will be stepping down in order to enable other dedicated community members to fill those positions and take the pool in a new and exciting direction.

This leaves the pool community with several intriguing possibilities. The pool could be run by a board of directors in the traditional way. Or the pool could become a co-op, with members contributing their time and resources to support it. The pool could become a club, with annual fees entitling members to unlimited access. Or the pool could be opened as a recreational-swim facility only, perhaps with expanded hours, but without special programs. There are many options. Our pool’s next leadership team will be faced with interesting decisions for the 2018 swim season.

If you are someone who is interested in helping to lead the pool in the coming year, please contact me at 360-942-4610 or Let’s keep our pool afloat!

Sandy Moser
