
Ancient Remedies Reviews – Is It Worth Buying?

How many herbal remedy books have you gone through so far? Do you feel there remains some void that needs to be filled? If so, our editorial team can relate to it. Only when we stumbled upon Shanon Greef’s survival story could we pinpoint the missing void. In most herbal remedy books, individuals are educated on the importance of different herb types for different health conditions. But why should these be treated in isolation? Take a look at all-natural dietary supplements as an example. There are so many ingredients per serving, and we believe the blend has some meaning or usefulness toward health goals.

As much as Shanon admires the uniqueness and healing powers of each herb she’s come across, it was only after connecting the dots that she improved her health, defying the opinions and diagnoses of most modern medical experts with whom she interacted.

Realizing this information gap, she reached out to Natalie Willow, who is now a proud co-author of Ancient Remedies Revived. This review aims to shed light on how much Shanon’s life experience influenced Ancient Remedies Revived and how it could benefit others in a similar situation.

What is Ancient Remedies Revived?

Ancient Remedies Revived is a 286-page paperback that also serves as a book on herbal medicine, natural healing, and a foraging guide. Authored by Shanon Greef and Natalie Willow, it contains every conceivable healing technique founded by ancient ancestors yet has some modern-science backing. The author duo maintains that Ancient Remedies Revived can be viewed as “rare knowledge of synergistic effects.” Put differently; they want to illustrate to readers the results that stem from blending different herbs (hint: they are all therapeutic).

It always blows our editorial team’s mind when we hear of often neglected plants that might be immediately available to us within our reach and can do wonders for our health. Readers who pick up a copy of this book will likely be surprised, have their knowledge expanded, and be allowed to get their hands dirty. With that, let’s spend some time on the content itself.

Discover synergistic herbal healing with Ancient Remedies Revived!

How has Ancient Remedies Revived been organized?

Ancient Remedies Revived is organized so that readers can easily follow along. For every new section of the book, the authors clearly define the purpose, the particulars of each herb, a contrast between traditional uses and modern medicine, and clear and detailed images. The duo pledges that readers will “gain a deeper understanding of the power of medicinal herbs and how to use them for optimal health benefits.”

Here’s a brief overview of the wealth of information and discoveries that readers will uncover as they flip through each page:

  • Page 71: The stinging backyard weed that can be used to ease arthritic symptoms
  • Page 53: How to leverage garlic for protecting the heart and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Page 55: The positive effects of rubbing chili peppers all over the body (yes, you read that right)
  • Page 44: Another backyard weed that not only has the liver thanking you but also digestive and skin functions
  • Page 64: An all-natural alternative to alcohol? The authors found one that promotes relaxation while eliciting a nice and bearable social buzz
  • Page 65: The unsung plant hero of World War I that helped everyone in dire need of treatment
  • Page 133: A medieval herb whose antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties saved lives during the plague
  • Page 87: A hidden herb in everyone’s kitchen that can combat illnesses
  • Page 187: A versatile herb that is effective against dysentery (or diarrhea with blood)
  • Page 189: The “Easy Breathing Elixir” fit for combating everything from common colds to serious respiratory problems
  • Page 57: A flowering plant that helped the people of Leningrad survive the siege
  • Page 90: One particular plant that can be taken with any tea to reduce pain and inflammation

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Why choose Ancient Remedies Revived over other herbal books?

A. Shanon and Natalie wanted to put together a book beyond listing remedies. It’s one thing to follow instructions to create a concoction. Still, for a full-fledged experience, it’s all about understanding each herb’s power, not just in isolation but when blended with others. This is rarely presented in other herbal books.

By blending herbs and plants with similar properties, individuals will quickly discover how potent results can be with even the smallest possible dose. All in all, this book illustrates how truly connected the natural world is.

Q. Are Ancient Remedies Revived suitable for people just getting started with alternative medicine?

A. Yes, in fact, Ancient Remedies Revived has been compiled such that herbalists of all experience levels (even those with little to no experience) can follow along with the instructions. To make this read more memorable and retainable, the authors spent a lot of time simplifying terms and included several vivid images.

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Q. Do I need special equipment to prepare recipes in Ancient Remedies Revived?

A. Ancient Remedies Revived only requires basic kitchen tools such as a pot, spoon, and strainer. Individuals can think of this the same way they would prepare a cup of tea, requiring very little to make something so healthy, rich, and heartwarming.

Q. Can I use the tips in Ancient Remedies Revived with Conventional Medicine?

A. While Shanon and Natalie see no reason why traditional medicines can’t be merged, they are not free to give medical advice. For this reason, individuals are asked to consult their respective healthcare practitioners before getting started.

Q. Is finding the plants and herbs listed in Ancient Remedies Revived easy?

A. Most, if not all, of the remedies outlined in Ancient Remedies Revived were devised with accessibility in mind. The authors believe many are available at a local grocery and health food shop, with some requiring scavenging in one’s backyard.

Q. How soon will I see results from the solutions in Ancient Remedies Revived?

A. It is difficult to suggest a timeframe for results, seeing as each individual is unique in their health. According to Shanon and Natalie, many users have reported improvements within just days of starting their herbal routine. Still, this could vary again depending on the severity of one’s condition and whether other treatments are considered simultaneously.

Read what others are saying and decide for yourself >>>

Q. Does Ancient Remedies Revived cover the most common conditions?

A. Some examples include arthritis, insomnia, digestive issues, blood pressure, and heart health.

Q. What is the estimated arrival time for the physical copies of Ancient Remedies Revived?

A. The duo’s team currently only ships physical copies to the United States, the UK, Canada, and Australia. The estimated arrival time, in this case, ranges between 3 and 7 business days.

Q. How do I access the bonus e-books included in each Ancient Remedies Revived purchase?

A. Once the payment has been processed, access to the bonus e-books is instant. Individuals can download the PDF files to any device that supports such files.

Order Ancient Remedies Revived today and be glad you did!

Q. Does Ancient Remedies Revived include a money-back guarantee?

A. Yes, each purchase has been protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee. Stated differently, readers are given a grace period during which they get to review and implement some of the strategies disclosed by the pair. If excitement for this book deflates after having purchased it or individuals feel the resource is not as well-defined, customer support can be reached for a full purchase price refund by sending an email to:

  • support@ancientremediesbook.com.

Purchase Ancient Remedies Revived

Ancient Remedies Revived is currently available in physical and digital formats. For those who find satisfaction in holding a book and flipping through each page, the price is $46.99 (including shipping).

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On the other hand, for people who are just fine scrolling through the digital version, it is currently available for $37.00. These prices also include the following bonus resources that complement Ancient Remedies Revived:

Bonus #1: The Backyard Medicinal Garden by Sophia Hall

The Backyard Medicinal Garden is a 152-page e-guide featuring information on designing, building, and maintaining a healthily growing garden. The goal is to ensure that individuals are equipped with essential crops and herbs that allow them to reap their therapeutic benefits while becoming increasingly self-reliant. To our amazement, it boils down to no more than six simple steps.

Bonus #2: Herbal SOS by Sophia Hall

Herbal SOS can be viewed as an instant e-guide to natural emergencies. The author spends considerable time preparing readers to handle common emergencies efficiently using natural remedies and practical advice.

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Who authored Ancient Remedies Revived?

The authors of Ancient Remedies Revived, introduced much earlier in this review, are Shanon Greef and Natalie Willow. Following extensive research, here’s everything that our editorial team learned about Shanon Greef:

Shanon Greef, Adv. Herb. Med

Shanon Greef is a modern herbalist who is an equally proud mother, scuba diver, marine ecologist, and fighting survivor. Her connection to nature led her to educate the masses on wild herbs and the indigenous knowledge surrounding them. How did she become so rooted in nature, you ask? Well, it all started in South Africa, where she was first exposed to the “raw beauty of nature” and its transformative influence over her heart and mind. Fascinated by their environment, she spent much time exploring different environments. Little did she know that such an exploration would help her out in the end.

In particular, she was diagnosed with melanoma during her studies. At the time, medical professionals told her that she would only survive for six months. The devastating news clouded her train of thought, but once she snapped out of it, she was determined to prove her doctors wrong. And she did exactly that by turning to alternative healing methods. This was when she seriously began experimenting with herbs, understanding their medicinal properties, and using them.

With time, she started feeling better, and only after years of “trial and discovery,” as she put it, did she regain full control over her health. Let that sit in: years versus a six-month timeline. If there’s anything to take away here, Shanon believes it’s the following, as stated in her own words:

With every passing year, my passion for the natural world has grown, slowly shaping me into a person deeply attuned to the intricate web of life. These early interactions with the environment not only laid the foundation for my professional pursuits but also prepared me for the life-altering challenges that were yet to come.

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The Wrap-Up

Reflecting on what has been discussed, individuals should have gathered that Ancient Remedies Revived is more than an herbal remedy book that outlines the ins and outs of different herbs. Like most books, this one lays the foundations in an easy-to-understand manner, whether instructions on how to grow the herbs or prepare them for consumption. The same goes for the visual appeal, ensuring that individuals know of and can identify each listed herb. This is probably where the similarities end.

Our editorial team sees Ancient Remedies Revived as a possible superior version of its competitors because of its overall organization and the availability of information. In addition to introducing each herb, Shanon and Nicole did an exceptional job listing its nativity, how it has been traditionally used, what modern research suggests about it, the exact parts of the herb or plant with medicinal properties, precise dosing, and most of all, synergistic effects.

By synergistic effects, we mean the outcome that arises from combining herbs. The blending process opens people’s minds to two main things: first, the endless options for alternative medicine, and second, how connected nature truly is. One herb may seem isolated from the other, but we have a united system when brought together. It is synonymous with the human body. Each organ plays a critical role; however, their united effect dictates one’s overall well-being.

This realization led Shanon toward a healthy healing path, and learning from her experience via Ancient Remedies Revived is very valuable. The additional bonuses complete this purchase in many ways. Returning to our initial question from earlier, it is clear that Shanon’s connection with nature and her personal health story has strongly influenced Ancient Remedies Revived.

For more information on Ancient Remedies Revived, visit here>>>.


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