Girder deliveries for SR 8 work to require brief highway closures

Girders are for bridge replacement to eliminate fish barriers near McCleary

State Route 8 will be closed several times between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Wednesday as contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will briefly stop traffic in both directions for delivery of bridge girders to a construction site near McCleary. Drivers can expect delays of up to 15 minutes.

Cranes will be stationed on the closed lanes and will lift girders from trucks briefly stopped in the travel lanes. Rain will not affect the work, however unusually high winds could delay delivery of the girders.

This operation will be repeated at the same location again in about one month.

The girder deliveries will allow crews to continue construction of four bridges over the middle and east forks of Wildcat Creek as part of the state’s fish passage barrier program. The project is expected to be complete by spring 2019.