
Buy Weed Online: The Top 10 Best Brands to Order From

Believe it or not, we truly love 2021. Sure, the world has been rather abysmal since the start of 2020, but we’re seeing positive light shine through in many aspects.

In the United States where hospitals were once strained to keep up with new patients, we’re seeing a sharp incline in the availability of hospital beds as the population continues to vaccinate. Economies around the world are revving up as consumers and workers step back into the marketplace. Borders are opening up across the world as international travel takes off once again.

While we’re excited to see what some might call a ‘return to normalcy’, we’re also thrilled about what’s new today. Step back a few years, well before 2020, and the idea of legally buying weed online was almost unimaginable. Now, for today’s purposes, we’re counting our blessings in the form of the top 10 best brands to order weed from online.

Is Buying Weed Online in 2021 Legal, Safe, and Secure?

Depending on what type of weed you’re trying to buy, it may be perfectly legal, safe, and secure to make your purchase online. It’s a completely different game than what many cannabis consumers may be used to in recent history.

In fact, all of our top 10 best brands to buy weed from online offer clear shipment methods with protected payment options. That’s in stark contrast to the formerly ubiquitous black market after which came the first regulated dispensaries, which could usually only deal in cash.

If you want to buy weed online in 2021, here’s a sample view of our top 10 best brands to purchase from.

Who Are the Top 10 Best Brands to Buy Weed From Online? A Quick List

  1. Everest– Simply the best for taste, design, and quality.
  2. Harbor City Hemp – Super potent products for experienced cannabis consumers.
  3. Sun State Hemp – Top-notch shisha weed and other awesome products.
  4. Arete – Trace these superb cannabis products right back to the seed.
  5. Secret Nature – Luxurious cannabis-derived products for the elegant consumer.
  6. 3Chi – Top-quality cannabis products at a rate anyone can afford.
  7. Koi – Beautifully designed cannabis products at a great rate.
  8. Raw Garden – Clean, pure cannabis products.
  9. Pacific Stone – Premium cannabis flower at the most affordable rates.
  10. Kiva – Our favorite chefs behind powerful and tasty cannabis edibles.

How We Decided the Top 10 Best Brands to Order Weed From When Buying Online

Source of Weed

When buying weed online, there’s nothing more important than the weed itself. You can quote us on that.

Any company can put up glowing statistics with charming product descriptions to sell their weed. There’s not a profitable cannabis business on Earth that couldn’t pay people to write fake reviews about their products while investing all their money in PR campaigns and flashy websites. However, what we’re truly looking for when we’re buying weed online is the true source of the product.

Some companies will obscure this information, others will tell us upfront where their weed comes from because they’re so proud of it. We believe that the best final product is going to come from the best original source.

Lab Testing and Results

Just because the original source of weed seems to be high quality, there are times when things can go wrong:

  • Farmers can mistime harvests
  • The curing process can be mishandled
  • Unseen mold can latch onto flower
  • Improper storage techniques can degrade cannabinoid profiles
  • And more

Since so many things can potentially go wrong in the growing and manufacturing of cannabis products, we love to see fully detailed lab reports. We want to know how strong the product is according to a reputable and independent lab. We also like to see reports on pesticides and herbicides, heavy metals, and any potential toxins in the product.

Website User Experience

Not every brand that you can buy weed from online in 2021 has its own website to purchase it. Many of them use your local dispensaries to get their products out to you. Thankfully, the process of buying weed online using apps like Weedmaps has become incredibly easy.

However, we love to find companies that are selling their weed online. We love it even more if they have a gorgeous website, an informative FAQ, and an easy-to-use storefront. If we find a company selling the best weed online but their website is slow, clunky, and we can’t easily navigate our way through the pile of links and pages they have, then they’re not making it onto this list.

Payment Options

We’re not sure if we want to pay with Bitcoin. Not because we don’t love the option of paying for our weed online with crypto, but because we’re not sure if Bitcoin is going to fall to zero or jump to a million. Either way, we love options. The option of paying for our weed online with things like crypto is a nice bonus. The avoidance of paying with cash even helps us with our budget.

Speaking of budgeting, we’ve seen companies even offer interest-free payment plans when buying their weed online. More companies should do that if they want to be on our top 10 list of best brands to buy weed online from.

Shipping and Returns

There are many things that can be stressful about online shopping:

  • The presence of scams and phony websites
  • The possibility of items being lost in shipment
  • Dealing with a company’s non-existent online customer service
  • And much more

If you’re thinking about buying your weed online, these problems could be exacerbated by the fact that you’re trying to buy a product that still faces a lot of stigmatization. The psychological blows this can deal are easily softened when cannabis companies offer clear and honest shipping and return information.

We hate to fill up our carts with tasty-looking cannabis products only to take them to check out and find a massive shipping charge. That makes us abandon our carts, and we’d much prefer to continue shopping for our weed online.

That’s why we look for companies that let us know right away how shipping works and how much it’s going to be. And if we get a faulty product or one that’s damaged through the mail, we want to know how that’s going to be handled before we buy our weed online.


Assuming we’ve found good weed to buy online and experienced a high-quality experience to get it in our hands, there’s still the question of how tasty a product is. All good chefs know taste starts with presentation. An ugly product doesn’t inspire our taste buds to wake up and catch all the intricacies they might encounter.

If a product looks beautiful as we open it up, we’ll then catch its smell. A key part of taste, the smell of a product can tell us a lot about how well it was grown, how strong it is, and what terpenes it may contain. Lots of cannabis consumers can tell simply by the smell of their weed if they’re going to enjoy it or not. That’s because our smell is acutely linked to our sense of taste.

Once the product hits our tongue, we look for the initial flavor, what sinks in, and what’s left behind. The tastier the products available, the more likely a company is to make our list of the top 10 best brands to buy weed online.

Brand Reputation

We won’t place everything on brand reputation, because we know there are plenty of unknown superstars as well as overrated trash bags. However, if we see a company continuously pleases the community over an extended period of time, we do give credence to their tenacity and sustainability.

Customer Service

We like to talk to real people, or robots with really good answers before having to talk to a real person. What we don’t like is when a company makes it impossible to contact them quickly. The easier it is to contact a company the better. That goes double for how well and how quickly they respond to any inquiries.


When buying weed online, it can feel like you’re walking into some shadowy corners of the internet. With obscure businesses lurking around every corner, we want to know what they’re really up to behind the scenes. Letting us in with detailed lab reports, honest about pages, or tours on social media of their processing plants is a great way to let us know they’re doing the right things behind closed doors.

Do They Give Back?

Beyond showing us what they’re up to when we’re not looking, we love to see companies going above and beyond to give back. Some choose to donate to charities they find useful, others lift up members of their own disadvantaged community, and there are some weed companies who give back by offering free information on a regular basis.

Whether they’re helping lift minorities out of poverty, promote literacy, or help people understand cannabis and its benefits, we honestly appreciate companies that give back in one way or another.

Our Top 10 Best Brands to Buy From When Ordering Weed Online

1. Everest


Everest scores high on almost every metric that we’ve measured. The quality of their customer service matches the beauty of their website. We also love the unique variety they offer cannabis consumers. From CBD roll-on products for topical relief to dog treats that help with the most stubborn of our four-legged friends, they seem to have a product for everyone.

Moreover, we love their clear lab reports that show pure products. From the moment we visited their website to the time we spent enjoying their products, we can’t recommend Everest enough for buying weed online.

2. Harbor City Hemp


From Peanut Butter Nuggets to ultra-potent tinctures, we thoroughly enjoy buying our weed online from Harbor City Hemp. With extremely reasonable prices for such highly potent products, Harbor City Hemp delivers on all accounts. They also offer incredible discounts for a range of people including:

  • Active duty military members
  • Low-income folks
  • First Responders
  • Veterans
  • Teachers
  • Healthcare personnel
  • And more

We do wish it were easier to find their lab reports as there is no direct link to them on the home page. Often when companies hide their reports, it means they have something to hide in the reports themselves. When we perused Harbor City Hemp’s reports, however, we found clean, fully detailed reports that demonstrated their commitment to quality.

3. Sun State Hemp


There aren’t many places that deliver high-grade shisha with this much flavor. We also love the feel and design of their website. It also happens to function incredibly well, is simple to use, and makes buying weed online easy.

4. Arete


One of the first things we saw on their website was a button for lab reports, we can’t thank Arete enough for that. Then we sampled their hash and their flower after buying their weed products online. It was not only easy to use their shopping cart and understand their shipping policies, but they also offered us a 15% discount for paying with crypto! Thankfully, they also accept all major credit cards in case we get bullish on our Bitcoin.

5. Secret Nature


Secret Nature has some of the most expensive products on our list, but they also present their premium weed in top-quality packaging and with all the bells and whistles. From artisan CBD pre-rolls in all your favorite varieties to CBN dream capsules to some of the best Delta 8 THC vape cartridges you can find, Secret Nature shows they love their customers. And we love them for their commitment to excellence.

6. 3Chi


If you want to buy some of the best weed products online without breaking your budget, 3Chi is the way to go. We’re obsessed with their CCELL vape cartridges, especially at such an affordable rate. This award-winning company also delivers on its edibles and tinctures in just the same manner.

7. Koi


Whether we’re drifting away with their High Hopes infused flower or swimming off with their Delta 8 THC gummies, we feel like pirates with a fresh bounty when we shop online at Koi. They’re gorgeous, tasty products are reasonably priced and quite potent. Using American- grown hemp and testing their products with the best means we know we’re getting great weed when shopping online with Koi.

8. Raw Garden


While Raw Garden doesn’t offer their own online shop for their products, they do make it easy to find their products near you. We can’t get enough of their Crushed Diamonds, they offer crystal clear, pure products that are even more potent than they are beautiful, and they’re loaded with THCa. If you’re looking for some of the best weed online and don’t mind being redirected to a dispensary near you, then Raw Gardens is a good choice.

9. Pacific Stone


Pacific Stone is another company that you can’t buy from directly, but they do show you exactly where you can get their weed. If you can find their weed online and it’s in a dispensary near you, we highly recommend you get some. You won’t find a better-priced product for the level of taste, potency, and quality that you get from Pacific Stone’s weed.

10. Kiva


Kiva will show you just how to buy their weed products online so you can enjoy some of the tastiest, most effective cannabis edibles available. These thoroughly tested weed products come at a perfect price point to match their potency and flavor. If you want to buy weed online and eat it later, give Kiva a taste of your business.

What Do You Need to Know About Buying Weed Online in 2021?

If you’re thinking about buying weed online in 2021, you’re not alone. With the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp was essentially legalized at the federal level in the United States. Since then, specific marketplaces surrounding cannabinoids that can be drawn out of hemp have burgeoned.

First, it was the CBD marketplace that rapidly expanded across the United States. The rollout brought us everything from CBD cigarettes to balms to edibles. Then the community found another cannabinoid in hemp to bring to their customers: Delta 8 THC.

In just a few short years, we’ve gone from complete federal abolition to de facto legalization. That’s made it legal to buy weed online in 2021, but the rules, laws, and regulations deciding how to buy weed online vary between regions. So, is it truly legal to buy weed online in 2021?

If you live in a state with recreational cannabis available, you’ll likely be able to find weed online through one of your local dispensaries. Therefore, the brands you’ll encounter may be completely different from what you see on our list. However, you should still be able to reap all the benefits of buying weed online, including unfiltered access to premium products.

Not every product you’ll encounter online will be a premium one, however. That’s why you should always consider your personal health history and safety when buying weed online. Look for products that are thoroughly tested by independent, third-party labs. Read the reports and look for:

  • Cannabinoid levels
  • Pesticide reports
  • Microbial tests
  • Heavy metal screens
  • And more

Moreover, remember to consider that an edible weed product may be better for someone with a lung condition than a vape cartridge, for example. In other words, when buying weed online, don’t forget to filter products for what suits you best.

If not a health issue, consider how cannabis smoke smells and the lack of discretion that comes with it, or how eating cannabis makes the THC stronger than if you vaporize it. There’s a lot to know and much to learn about buying weed online in 2021, but we see plenty of benefits.

The Many Benefits of Buying Weed Online in 2021

Let’s look at a nightmare scenario: you visit a dispensary for the first time. You can’t find the entrance. Finally, you do, and you’re brusquely greeted by a gruff security guard who points you to a long line of exhausted-looking patrons whose phones are all flashing low battery.

You waddle through the line until you’re directed to fill out forms and wait in another room until you’re waited on by someone who doesn’t know the difference between Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC. You pay in cash, but you didn’t bring enough so you have to use their ATM, which charges $5 per use. You pay for your items, get home, and then realize that they forgot to give you your first-time discount of 10%.

None of this can happen if you buy weed online in 2021. This year, we’re looking at a much-improved customer experience simply by shopping online. While many dispensaries out there have outstanding customer service, high-quality products, and offer a luxurious in-store experience, there’s always something special about being able to shop for your weed online.

While it’s difficult to place in one word, there are many benefits for buying online in 2021, such as:

  • Shopping from the comfort of your own home
  • Complete discretion when products are delivered to your home
  • Seeing a final price without the overbearing pushiness of a salesperson in your face
  • No need to drive or take public transportation to the dispensary
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash
  • You don’t have to transport cannabis from the shop to your home
  • Shop a range of brands, stores, and products
  • Get quick answers to your questions using FAQs
  • Quickly read customer reviews to know what others are saying about the product
  • And much more

The Potential Benefits of Cannabis Consumption

For decades, all forms of the Cannabis plant were prohibited at the federal level. This has held back medical and scientific research beyond what we can imagine.

We know that because there is such a huge range of cannabinoids found in many of its varieties that simply studying the entourage effect of their many combinations may be a never-ending process. That’s because we’ve already documented well over 100 cannabinoids, according to research from 2017 that was published in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience.

While the medical community is often divided on just what benefits cannabis provides in terms of health, many consumers report subjective benefits such as:

  • Reduced anxiety
  • Relief from conditions such as PTSD and chronic pain
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved diet
  • And much more

How cannabis impacts anyone can be fairly subjective. But for any cannabis consumer, the ability to purchase it online from one of the top 10 brands is a newfound blessing we can all be happy with.

The news and editorial staff of Sound Publishing, Inc. had no role in the preparation of this post. The views and opinions expressed in this sponsored post are those of the advertiser and do not reflect those of Sound Publishing, Inc.

Sound Publishing, Inc. does not accept liability for any loss or damages caused by the use of any products, nor do we endorse any products posted in our Marketplace.