Sports Briefs for Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sansom wins La Push canoe races

Sansom increases points lead after La Push win

Darren Sansom powered through some rough waters to win the Quileute Days modified powered canoe race in La Push over the weekend.

Sansom won Saturday’s race in what was relatively calm waters on the Quilayute River, guiding his canoe, Ste’wetan, to victory over Stanley Markistrum and Todd Pickernell, who placed second and third, respectively.

Pete Kalama placed fourth, Vincent Buckle was fifth and Keenan Kalama finished sixth.

Sunday’s high winds in the area brought rough, choppy waters that caused two boats to withdraw before the start of the heat races. The conditions wreaked havoc on the competitors once racing began as Markistrum and Pete Kalama’s day ended early, both due to motor issues.

Sansom went on to win the only race of the day over Pickernell.

With the two wins, Sansom has 218 total points and leads the season series by a 25 points over Pickernell (193). Marikstrum is third with 158 points.

The final race of the season will be held at noon on Aug. 11 on the Queets River.