Marie Helen (Camenzind) Meek

On Aug. 11, 2022, Marie Helen (Camenzind) Meek passed peacefully.

On Aug. 11, 2022, Marie Helen (Camenzind) Meek passed peacefully and is now dancing the polka at the Big Swiss Picnic Grounds in the sky. In addition to kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and numerous nieces and nephews, Marie leaves behind the love of her life and husband of 68 years, Alfred “Bud” Meek.

Marie was born March 30, 1934, in Lebam. Her mother passed away when Marie was a baby. At the time, Clem and Mary Ulrich took her in. Her childhood was spent attending every Swiss picnic, Schwingfest, Octoberfest, and any Swiss “Doings” that came along. Her Swiss culture was very important to her. Marie was a proud graduate of Willapa Valley High School, and she was a cheerleader there as well.

In 1954, Marie married Bud Meek. They purchased a pink house in Menlo, Washington, and raised three children: Karen, Ron and Dean. While raising three children Marie worked a variety of jobs such as bundling cedar shakes at a mill in Lebam, shucking oysters in South Bend, gathering and selling fir cones, AVON Lady and picking blackberries. When the family moved to Raymond, Marie worked at Sears. In 1975 she and Bud purchased Bayview Lumber Company in South Bend, Washington, and renamed the business, Bud’s Lumber Supply. Marie became the bookkeeper and was also tasked with persuading folks to pay their outstanding bill at Bud’s, a job she didn’t relish. She didn’t shy away from hard work and would do anything to help Bud support and provide for their family.

In her retirement years, Marie enjoyed spending time at their float house on the North River. There, Bud and Marie would fish, cut firewood and just watch the peaceful river flow by. They also purchased a motor home and were snowbirds for a few years until they purchased a small residence in California where they enjoyed the sunshine and warm water. Her golden years were spent with family and friends at their home in Raymond. Marie was most known and famous for her concoction of “Moose Milk” which she would make and share with family and friends every Christmas Holiday season. Not for the timid.

Marie was preceded in death by her father, Xavier Camenzind, mother, Eliza Camenzind, brothers Louie, Frank and Albert, and nephews Bobby and Doug Camenzind.