Gigi Hazel Marsh

Gigi Hazel Marsh passed away on Aug. 15, 2023.

Our sunshine Gigi Hazel Marsh passed away on Aug. 15, 2023. Gigi was born on Jan. 25, 2023 to Justin Marsh and Andrea Candido in Sunnyside, Washington. Gigi always had the brightest smile, she never cried or was shy around anyone and loved having everyone’s attention. She loved her bedtime schedule and being read to. She was so smart and a quick learner.

Gigi was preceded in death by her beautiful mother Andrea Candido. She is survived by her dad Justin Marsh of Montesano, Washington; sister Zoe Lebon of Aberdeen, Washington; grandparents Rod and Karen Marsh; great-nana JoAnn Dragecevich; Aunt Jennifer Kolb, Auntie Jancin Krohn, Uncle Cameron Cook and Andrea’s family.