Cameron Combs

Cameron Combs was born on May 25, 1991 at St. Peter Hospital, in Olympia, Washington.

Cameron Combs was born on May 25, 1991 at St. Peter Hospital, in Olympia Washington.

On June 17, 2022 he took his own life, leaving behind a daughter, two sisters, and an ache in the hearts of everyone who knew him.

Cameron grew up raised by his grandparents Bruce and Dorothy Combs. He went to North River School and Aberdeen High School where he played football. During his time on Earth, he enjoyed going to heavy metal concerts, drawing and spending time with his friends and family.

He always had a smile on his face and a witty comment to make you laugh. He brought an amazing energy to every situation he was in and put a smile on the faces of the people he was around. He was a good friend and an even better brother; always there to help out those in need and lend an ear to anyone who needed it.

Cam-Cam’s celebration of life will be held at the VFW Memorial Park, in Montesano, Washington, at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 31. All who knew Cameron are welcome to join his family in their final goodbyes and to help honor his final wishes. He will be greatly missed by all who loved him.

Harrison Family Mortuary