Walsh will file bill to lower property taxes

Lawmaker says rising property values have increased revenues and taxpayers should get the benefit

As property values have increased on a statewide basis, the state’s collection of property taxes has grown beyond projections of state revenue forecasters and state Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, says the windfall should be returned to taxpayers.

Walsh has prefiled legislation for the upcoming 2020 session that would reduce property taxes, gradually lowering the state’s portion of property taxes over the next few years.

“For too long, taxpayers have been saddled with tax hikes — when in reality the state continues to see a budget surplus,” the lawmaker said. “Property owners have paid more than their fair share. They need and deserve a break. This bill gives them one.”

House Bill 2222 would reduce state property tax levies over three years starting in 2021:

• 2021 would lower the $2.70 rate for $1,000 of assessed value by 15 percent;

• 2022 would lower the $1.89 rate for $1,000 of assessed value by 10 percent; and

• 2023 would lower the $1.70 rate for $1,000 of assessed value by 10 percent.

Last month, the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council announced that state revenue collections had once again exceeded expectations. The strong forecast is largely attributed to higher assessed property values and taxes. State economists assumed that assessed property values would grow by 5.3 percent in 2020, Walsh said, while the numbers are now reported to be closer to 7.9 percent.

“Yet again, the state has realized record revenue increases. Here’s the problem: Telling legislators there’s more money coming in and expecting them not to spend it is like setting a T-bone steak in front of your dog and telling him not to eat it. Unless he’s well-trained, it isn’t going to happen,” said Walsh.

“The extra padding in the state’s revenue stream rightfully belongs to the people,” he added. “It’s time for lawmakers to take action and return some tax money back to taxpayers.”

The 2020 session, scheduled for 60 days, begins Jan. 13.