Dear Journal: Tired of everything you can’t do? Then please wear a mask

Editor’s note: Karen Harris Tully is a writer who lives in Raymond and has agreed to keep a journal to share with Daily World readers during the odd and uncertain time we’re all navigating.

Dear Journal:

Mike (my husband) is a sports guy. Playing, coaching, watching on TV, and now being an athletic director, it’s his thing and always has been. I think it’s really the lack of youth sports, without our normal fall football games, that he misses the most right now. I know a lot of people, practically the whole town, would be out watching games and supporting their local teams at this time of year. We’re missing it, and it stinks. But we keep getting more Covid cases locally, and that’s what’s keeping schools from being able to open fully, and have sports as usual.

Schools are following the guidelines from the health department, of course, for the health and safety of their students, families and the community. And we don’t get high contact sports back, like football, basketball, and wrestling, until we have less than 25 cases in two weeks per 100,000 population. And the only way to get there, is for everyone to do their part in masking and social distancing. The steps are relatively simple and we can do it, we just have to DO it.

But I keep going to stores and seeing people not wearing masks, both customers and employees. I keep hearing about house parties and large gatherings, where people aren’t wearing masks. I’m not naming names, I don’t want to shame people, but you know who you are. People want sports back, we all want life to get back to normal. So, it’s time to put up or shut up.

For anyone who still doesn’t believe the science, we have a really good, high profile example playing out in real time in DC. The President and politicians had a big, unmasked, not socially distanced gathering one week ago. Even though it was outside, attendees, staff, and family members are getting sick left and right, including the President and First Lady. The Trumps have the best medical care in the world, with all the best medications and experimental drugs. None of the rest of us could ever get that level of care, nor could we pay for it. It’s sad, but I feel most sorry for family, staff, and service people who didn’t make the choice, but are now getting sick anyway.

Over 213,000 deaths. Please think of others and wear the dang mask, maybe try the face shield kind if medical reasons keep you from wearing cloth. Please think of all the things we want to get back to, like sporting events! Our local athletes are counting on us to do the right thing.

Song of the day: Runnin’ Down a Dream, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers

Karen Harris Tully is a novelist living in Raymond with her husband and two small children. She writes sci-fi/fantasy for teens and adults and can be found at