Coffee with the publisher and editor


We’re interested in knowing what you want in a newspaper and we’d like to tell you how things are on our side of the page — or screen, however it is you read The Daily World and/or The Vidette these days.

Wanna get a cup of coffee?

On Jan. 16, we’re holding a coffee with the publisher and the editor gathering, and we’re looking for readers to join us. If that day doesn’t work for you, you’ll get another chance. We plan to do it around our readership area. It will start at 9:30 a.m. If that sounds like a good way to pass an hour or two, please call Karen Barkstrom in the newsroom at 360-537-3925 for information.

We want to know what you expect of your newspaper, answer your questions and talk about how we see our role in the community.