Central School to host no-cost vaccine clinic

Kids from all schools and from all ages are welcome

For the final time this year, kids can get school-required immunizations free of charge.

The Grays Harbor County Public Health Department, non-profit Health Commons Project and the Educational Service District 113 are providing a no-cost childhood immunization event scheduled for Friday, Dec. 16, from 2 to 7 p.m. at the Central School gym in Hoquiam.

According to a press release from Dan Hammock, communications officer with the health department, two previous childhood immunization clinics served roughly 200 kids.

Hammock said people from all schools are welcome and the event is not age restricted. Attendees do not need an appointment, proof of insurance or proof of residence.

Vaccines will be provided on a first come, first serve basis, and kids can get multiple vaccines as needed. Available vaccines include DTaP/Tdap (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), Hepatitis B,Hib (haemophilus influenzae type B), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), PCV (pneumococcal conjugate), Polio, and Varicella (chickenpox).

HPV, pediatric flu and COVID-19 vaccines will also be available.

Hammock said gift cards ranging from $20 to $50 will be available at the clinic, as well as free food and there will be activities for the kids in advance of their vaccines.
