You’re so vain, I bet you think this column’s about you

Last week, I received a rare treat: a handwritten piece of snail-mail, with the words “personal attention” scribbled on the envelope in rough cursive.

Last week, I received a rare treat: a handwritten piece of snail-mail, with the words “personal attention” scribbled on the envelope in rough cursive.

Now, I was having a lousy day up to that point. It was the first anniversary of my mother’s passing, and I was working on deadline for three different publications. I was mentally exhausted, and my brain was scattered.

But when I opened this envelope, the fog lifted as I laughed aloud.

“Kat Bryant,” it began, “I am really tired of reading your personal history every several weeks — your moving to Aberdeen, your buying your house, your ‘Nanna.’ Everything you write is about you … and I don’t give a damn about you.”

It went on to ask if I had been hired to talk about myself, or about what’s going on in Aberdeen. The writer even claimed to have considered canceling their Daily World subscription because they were “tired of hearing what is Kat doing or thinking.”

There was no signature, no return address; so I have no way of reaching out to open a discussion of their concerns or to thank them for sharing their thoughts with me.

No, wait — yes I do! I know they’re reading this, because it’s clear they’ve read everything in this space since I started writing my column over two years ago. Here goes….

* * *

Hi! Since I don’t know what to call you (this is a family publication, after all), I’ll dub you WAH (Writer of Anonymous Hate-mail).

Thank you for your deeply heartfelt letter! I was wondering if you could clarify a few points for me:

1. Of course you have a right to your opinion. I know my musings don’t appeal to everyone. But I have to ask: Why do you continue to read all of my columns if you truly don’t give a damn what I have to say? Wouldn’t it be easier to just skip over them than to read them and get angry about it? Surely no one is forcing you to put yourself through such hell…?

2. I write about personal experiences in this space; that’s what columns are for. It’s also why I attach my name, my contact info and even my face to it. You say I write about nothing else, which begs the question: Do you not read the community features I write every week? Do you fail to notice those because my face is not attached to them, or is my occasional column the only thing you ever actually read in the Lifestyle section?

3. What did you think you would accomplish by spewing hatred at me without having the backbone to sign your work? Did you expect me to break down in tears as I suddenly realize what a worthless worm I am? Or maybe you thought I’d give up my lifelong passion and retire to a dark cave as a result of your empty bluster? Sorry to disappoint you, but I think I’ll carry on.

Your letter ends: “You are terribly self-centered. Get over yourself!!!”

WAH, WAH, WAH: You might consider taking your own advice.

Kat Bryant is lifestyle editor of The Daily World and editor of Washington Coast Magazine. She is SO over herself now. Reach her at or on Facebook at Kat Bryant-DailyWorld.