It’s not a part-time job, Sen. Murray

It’s not a part-time job, Sen. Murray

What do my representatives think about Jan. 6?

Question answered.

All Washington Democrat congressional leaders voted for bipartisan bill House Resolution 3233 to investigate, as did two Republicans, Jamie Herrera Beutler and Dan Newhouse. They joined 33 others, to do the right thing so this never happens again.

On the Senate side, only six Republicans did the same thing. The rest of them violated their oath.

Where was Patty Murray? Senator Murray was evidently too busy to show up and vote on this historic bipartisan resolution.

Senator Murray will go down in history as one of two Democrats and nine Republicans that didn’t think their vote was important enough to do their job representing their constituents. This vote was late in the day, right before a holiday, but senators from other states have longer flights to return home and voted. Where was Patty? If Senator Murray wants a part-time job, maybe she should pack her tennis shoes and find one.

D. Bunch

Ocean Shores