36 more COVID-19 cases reported over the weekend

Total now at 448

An additional 36 cases of COVID-19 were reported Monday by Grays Harbor Public Health, bringing the total to 448.

Currently, there are 118 active cases under isolation or quarantine. Public Health numbers showed 75 new contacts Monday, with 253 active contact investigations underway.

There were 87 cases of COVID-19 in the county reported between Thursday, Sept. 10 and Friday, Sept. 18.

Public Health Director Karolyn Holden said Friday it was her “strong belief” that the steady rise in cases were centered around workplaces and assisted living facilities.

The number of cases among Hispanics has been growing, up to 158 as of Monday, compared to 238 among whites. Cases by sex are about even, 222 male, 223 female, with three listed as “unknown.”

The Public Health zip code map of the county updated Friday showed 189 cases in the Aberdeen zip code, compared to 63 in the Hoquiam zip code and 42 cases in the Elma zip code. The Ocean Shores zip code had 15 cases as of Friday, the Westport zip code 21. The Montesano and McCleary zip codes had 31 and 19 Friday, respectively.