The Fishing Corner: Salmon is coming, Oct. 1 marks local river salmon season

The fishing pot is definitely being stirred when it comes down to some inland salmon waterways. Anglers are beginning to pick up salmon at various locations in some appreciable numbers.

If anyone has been applying themselves in the past weeks, they can attest to the fact that salmon are starting to show up in local rivers.

Our northern rivers tend to yield the earlier fish, and we start finding them in Grays Harbor soon after. This scenario is welcomed particularly when the regulations point to river openings at this time. October 1 will be the date that marks the last opening for local rivers that will be legal to fishing for salmon this current year.

It will become necessary to keep a watchful eye on the regulations. Different sections of rivers open and close throughout the season. It could very well be that one could be fishing a certain river and another section could be closed at that very time. It is always the responsibility of the angler to know the rules for particular sections of any given river they are fishing.

Some of the new rules for this year to pay attention to include the Mandatory Hatchery Steelhead Retention Rule. This rule simply states that the catch and release of hatchery steelhead is no longer allowed where this rule applies. These fish must be retained and punched on the card if legal to do so. Also, barbless hooks are required for both salmon and steelhead when fishing for these species within the Columbia River and its tributaries. In addition this year, there has been added an opportunity for two-pole endorsement where the regulations permit if anglers purchase this enhancement.

The rains earlier this month certainly helped move fish. If we continue to stay in a non-storm weather pattern, we can likely expect to see these arriving salmon stack up in the lower sections of our rivers. Of course, it is probable to find anglers lining the banks of the Chehalis River. Boat traffic increases as fishers hope to intercept these salmon holding up and waiting for favorable river conditions to move forward to spawn.

Other locations where these fish hold up and await the rain include the lower Wishkah River and the mouth of several other rivers. These would include the Satsop, Humptulips and Hoquiam rivers to name a few.

Anglers will have to use their imagination when it comes to choosing a lure. Of course, the lure of choice is going to change from these mentioned waters to those further upstream. This selection process is greatly enhanced by being a vigilent observer and asking a ton of questions. When it comes to salmon, most fishers are willing to give away this type of information.

So, we find ourselves on the verge of what anglers hope to be a great salmon season. If it turns out the way it has started, things should not be too disappointing. It is always helpful to have favorable weather to keep things in order. One can expect a fair amount of fishing interest until mid October when that may be a bit diluted by the opening of deer hunting.