‘Sick clinics’ at hospital’s East Campus will evaluate patients

Grays Harbor Community Hospital and Harbor Medical Group are offering two special “sick” clinics at their East Campus location at 1006 North H St. in Aberdeen.

These clinics have been established to evaluate patients who are experiencing flu-like symptoms, but will not be testing specifically for COVID-19 at this time, according to a hospital statement Tuesday.

The intent is to keep sick patients and healthy patients separated, minimizing the potential for cross-contamination of illnesses such as COVID-19 and the flu.

In an attempt to minimize the spread of coronavirus, the hospital has set up a pediatric clinic with entrance only through the doors on North H Street, and an adult clinic that will only enter through the G Street entrance.

Anyone who wants to make an appointment because they are sick — cough, sneezing, cold, sore throat, running a temperature, etc. — can do so by calling the hospital’s toll-free call center at 866-537-2778. This service is available whether you have previously established care with a Harbor Medical Group clinic or not. If you are sick, a representative will schedule an appointment.

Appointments will be scheduled from 1-5 p.m. If the demand exceeds what the hospital has allotted resources for, the hospital will adjust its resources and expand hours, it said.

Health screeners are posted at both entrances to control patient and visitor flow. The East Campus includes offices for several medical specialists. Anyone visiting the East Campus for another appointment is asked to contact their provider for specific instructions on where to enter.

At this time, the clinic not be testing patients for COVID-19. If someone arrives at the clinic and meets the criteria established by Grays Harbor Public Health for priority testing, their test will be scheduled through the nursing triage system. Most tests will be administered in a drive-up manner with hospital staff coming to the subject’s vehicle. However, the staff will also evaluate people go see if they are sick enough to be admitted to the hospital for further evaluation and care.

“As there will be a significantly reduced chance for cross contamination, these steps will help to create a safer environment for everyone in our community, especially those people who need to see their provider for check-ups and follow-ups, but who are not sick,” according to the hospital’s statement.

In order to enforce these new procedures, access to the East Campus will be limited to two entrances for patients. Health screenings will occur at both entrances prior to admittance to the facility. RehabVisions will be open through their regular entrance, but access to the facility beyond their offices will be blocked.

The following rules are in place regarding visitation to the hospital East Campus:

• Patients who have altered mental status or developmental delays may have one person with them at their clinic visit

• Minors under the age of 18 may have one parent or guardian with them at their clinic visit. We ask that, if at all possible, no other siblings are present at these visits.

• All other patients over the age 18 are to attend their visit independently.

• All other unnecessary attendees will be asked to wait in the car.

• Any symptomatic patient or support person arriving to the clinics will be asked to mask.

Patients of HarborCrest Behavior Health are asked to call 360-533-8500 to make arrangements for appointments.