School cost sharing

School cost sharing

It appears the Aberdeen School District is facing financial problems. As a relatively new resident, it occurred to me that, although Aberdeen is a small district with enrollment listed as 3,408 students as of 2016-2017, it was paying administrative costs at about 10 percent of its budget. Looking slightly west, I noticed Hoquiam School District has an enrollment of 1,657 students and similar administrative costs.

My personal story is that I arrived here from a large urban area. My children attended what was considered a small district with seven schools and 7,810 students — Campbell Union High School district in San Jose, Calif.

I realize that there is a personal history for each of these schools, but has anyone considered combining the administrations? Operating two district offices and paying two superintendents.

Together, these districts would compose 17 schools with 17 principals and more funds to go into the classrooms where we want to see our children receive the benefits. It doesn’t mean we can’t still have our Food Ball rivalry or our school pride at being Bobcats or Grizzlies.

Joni Hildreth
