There are many misconceptions and outright falsehoods concerning the COVID-19 vaccines. One of them being, you can contract COVID-19 and get sick from a COVID-19 vaccine.
Sometimes people die or get sick even though they have been vaccinated, but it’s not the fault of the vaccine giving them COVID-19. Most often, it’s the fault of the person’s immune system not having an adequate immune response.
The COVID-19 vaccines code for none of the molecular machinery that cause illness and potentially death. The only thing the COVID-19 vaccines code for are the characteristic spike proteins found on the COVID-19 viruses surface.
Think of it this way, the spike proteins the vaccines code for are like a hood emblem on an old car. You can identify what kind of car a hood emblem belongs to even if there is none of the machinery there that makes the car work.
Similarly, your body can identify the COVID-19 virus from its characteristic spike proteins with none of the molecular machinery that causes sickness and potentially death.
In other words, you can’t contract COVID-19 and get sick from a COVID-19 vaccine.
Daniel Hathaway