Letter: A blot upon humanity

A blot upon humanity

What’s happening in this country is a blot upon humanity. Our elected representatives have become derelict in their duties, kowtowing to the “emperor” in the White House. His empirical majesty, Donald Trump, has only one objective on his depraved mind, and that is total control of this country, come hell or high water; by hook or by crook; legally or illegally.

I find it hard to believe that the American people are still sitting on their hands and allowing this amoral and ignorant popinjay to continue to lie about anything and anyone that comes to his feeble mind — that no one seems to object to his improper and outrageous actions and policies, which run counter to the legal laws of this country. He still insists on building a “wall” along our southern border, even though the majority of the nation is against that, and the Mexican president succinctly told him in no uncertain terms that Mexico would not pay for it. A wall on that border would be an abomination, and an admission of helplessness on the part of this country to control its own destiny.

What have we become when we cannot even control our own destiny in this land? How long do we have to put up with the incompetence and mindlessness of this so-called administration? When will the people say “enough” and tell their duly elected congressmen and senators to get to work and do their jobs, those jobs being to represent the American people, not to neglect their sworn duty to be a responsible, equal and lawful third element of the federal government?

Mitch McConnell has shown his true colors, time and time again, by refusing to sponsor any legislation that does not conform to the Republican Party line or might not please Mr. Trump. His fealty only to the party is the main reason that nothing is being done to end this moronic power play, and only serves to enhance the incompetence of this administration.

Unless there is some solution to this problem, in the near future, government of the people, by the people and for the people will surely become a very real rallying cry for those who seek to retain their freedoms, by rejecting those who would deny the people their rights as citizens. Those rights include, but are not limited to: A fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work; the right to lobby their representatives for proper representation, which may include recall petitions if it becomes necessary; and the right to demand that these elected officials represent the people, not their party, not their demented leaders or some temporary appointed (not elected) flunky.

I am in high hopes that this reconstructed House of Representatives will stand firm in the face of this tyrant, with all the courage and perseverance it can muster and back him down. It is about time someone stood up and told Mr. Trump and Mr. McConnell where to put their ideologies and obsessions. If they cannot legally govern this country without resorting to threats, violence, intimidation and lies, they should not be in power. The majority of our citizens do not agree with the policies and regulations, as set forth by this intransigent individual, and are ready for a complete change. Let no one, particularly those who are supposedly in control of the country, foist any more shame ton this nation. God bless America, and to hell with those who would sully her name.

Larry Wakefield
