Decency goes missing

Letter to the editor

Donald Trump shows us time after time that he has no shred of decency. From his total disregard and disrespectful statements about Sen. McCain to allowing the deaths of over 200,000 fellow human beings due to his total failure to handle the COVID-19 outbreak. All the things in between also show his lack of compassion such as, his statement about grabbing women by the p***y, bragging about watching naked young women in beauty pageants, calling people who died serving their country in wars losers and suckers, Gold Star families comments, birtherism, and separating families at the border. These are just a few things Trump has said and or done. This man has no credibility, as he seems unable to tell the truth, even when it would benefit him.

So, what makes anyone think that he cares about Roe vs. Wade or the Affordable Care Act, both of which will surely be overturned with another conservative on the court, now that the Republicans are hell bent on replacing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ASAP. When President Obama was up for re-election in 2016 and the Republican Senate blocked his choice of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, GOP Senators, such as Lindsey Graham, stated that they would not allow a Republican president to nominate a justice during their last year of office, either. What happened to their sense of decency? It seems whomever Trump touches goes to the side of immorality, a loss of ethics and just plain self respect.

Hopefully, there are enough Republican senators who have the wherewithal to stand up against Trump and McConnell to do what is just and ethical. As Albert Einstein stated, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

Lastly, vote!

Cynthia Reed
