Bring Back ‘What’s Happening’

Bring back ‘What’s Happening’

I really enjoyed John Hughes May 29 letter to the editor, “Don’t take this newspaper for granted.”

Of course, I have always enjoyed whatever John had to say all the years he was with The Daily World.

I have been subscribing to the Aberdeen World since I was 19 years old. I don’t remember what year it became The Daily World.

I am 84 years old now. I do not plan on having a computer. I enjoy getting my news in the newspaper and on the TV.

I realize with this pandemic many things haven’t been in the paper. If and when we get back to some kind of normal, the one thing I hope will be back in The Daily World is the “What’s Happening” column.

To be able to read what organizations we have, what their programs are, places to meet, and dates and times, I think is very important — also helpful for new people arriving on the Harbor.

Norma Fredericks


Thanks to Port officials

Recently, we began to sift through my late mother’s belongings and came upon a watercolor painted by Grays Harbor artist Frances Lew. Having nothing more to go on than the name of the artist, the city of Westport, and the location of the building depicted, we sent a hopeful email to the Port of Westport offices on Lamb Street seeking further information.

We were thrilled to receive a quick and thoughtful response from Westport Business Manager Molly Bold, and later Port Commissioner Tom Quigg, sharing both a brief history of the artist and the former Lamb Construction Company Mrs. Lew painted.

While we learned that the monetary value of the painting is small, the assistance they offered was priceless. My mother, Lillian Moeller, spent her childhood in Aberdeen and held a lifelong love for the area, visiting Aberdeen, Westport and Tokeland whenever she got the chance. Clearly, the beauty of the region is matched completely by the warmth of the people who call it home.

Molly Bold and Tom Quigg are amazing ambassadors for your community, and we wanted to publicly thank them for sharing their time and valuable connections with our grateful family.

Mark and Kim Newland
