Are we killing our planet?

Letter to the editor

I woke today from a really weird dream. After I was awake and the more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that it might not be as weird as I originally thought.

When corporations are formed, they are granted unlimited life and their sole function is to make a profit, and it seems even regardless of their impact on the life of the planet. If we view Earth as a living, breathing organism it stands to reason that it would have some type of self-defense mechanism. But I’m not sure it does.

Humanity has changed our planet in ways that have, until now, allowed Mother Nature to restore its delicate balance. We are approaching the “point of no return” with the pollution mankind is creating. This means that within a few years, if this pollution is not stopped, planet Earth will no longer be able to defend itself against the virus inhabiting it … HUMANS.

Humanity has one trait that I wonder if it is using—- its ability to reason. Why is the silent majority sitting back and letting one segment of our species, namely Corporations, destroy this planet for the sake of profit? Once we have reached this tipping-point and realize that our planet is doomed, what are we going to tell our grandchildren? That we all felt helpless and it was too large of a problem for us to solve? What do you think their reaction to this pitiful reply will be?

A possible correction to this problem is for the United Nations to pass a resolution that requires each corporation to file an Earth Impact Statement (EIS) telling of the impact its operation has on the Earth’s future. Then the United Nations would vote to grant approval for the corporations’ continuation or rule what aspects of their corporation does not have approval to continue. This would allow our species to use its “ability to reason” for saving our Earth. But is this the best solution?

Readers, please submit your thoughts and ideas for a WORKABLE solution to this problem. We have got to do SOMETHING, as time is running out.

Paul MacLeod
