Aberdeen Rotary Club Student of the Month

The Aberdeen Rotary Club student of the month for February is Trace Christensen.

Trace is currently the stations engineer of KAHS, the high school’s radio station, and had a 24-hour radio show during Food Ball. All four years of high school Trace has gotten up at 5 a.m. each morning to attend the radio class that begins at 6:30.

In addition, he belongs to Skills USA and Renaissance, and attends Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes. He has received eight medals at regional competition for Skills USA, and placed second and third for radio broadcasting in Skills USA. He has also been named Student of the Month three times.

Trace has maintained a 3.5 gps at Aberdeen High School, and has volunteered all four years of high school at AJ West Elementary’s afterschool program.

His goal is to attend Central Washington University to become a history teacher.

Trace’s parents are Al Christensen and Jennifer Christensen.