
I would like to take this opportunity to ask a question of the registered voting population of the state of Washington.

If you did not exercise your right to vote in the last election, of which more than 50 percent of you did not, why not? The ballots were sent to your place of residence. It was a simple form that only required you to fill in a few boxes. The return postage was already paid for — by taxpayers — and the only other thing it would cost you was a few minutes of your time.

So, I ask again, in plain language, why did you not fill in your ballot, send it in, and become an actual voter?

Was it too much trouble to find out about the candidates and what they stand for? Was it because you did not understand the initiatives, the measures and the bills being proposed? Was it because you thought your vote would not make any difference? Or was it because you were too damn lazy to get up out of your arm chair and take the time to use your God-given right to express your personal choice?

Voters pamphlets are mailed out well before the elections. They list the candidates, covering their positions and party affiliations. Take the time to read them. You will discover the explanations, both for and against, the initiatives, measures and bills, which you may or may not understand.

If you do not understand them, ask questions. You are absolutely right, your vote will not make any difference if you do not vote.

Believe it or not, many races are won, or lost, by less than a 1 percent difference in the total vote. As for the last reason, it should be everyone’s goal to express your choice, because no one else will do it for you.

If you don’t like a person or proposal on the ballot, how else can you let anyone know what your preference is? By not voting you are not only shirking your duty, but you are giving someone else the possible freedom to elect a candidate or pass a measure to which you are opposed.

Use that God-given right! Get out of your arm chair and vote! Vote in every election no matter how trivial it may seem. Vote because if you don’t, someday you may wake up and find out that your God-given right has been taken away and has been repealed by the very person you let someone else elect.

My final word on this matter, in this letter, is vote!

Larry Wakefield
